Monday, June 1, 2009

I just bought a quantum pendant

I just bought a quantum pendant today. I will wear it for 1 week. then i'll give it to my Dad who has kidney and High Blood problems and is a Diabetic.

I don't expect those problems to go away. I mean, that's going to be a miracle. What i want is for the quantum pendant to help  ease the pain, suffering, and difficulties that my dad is experiencing like muscle pains, head aches, drowsiness, mood swings, lost appetite, etc. Of course he will still take his medicines and proper diet.

As for me, i'll see if within a week, i'll be more energetic, focused, less stressed, etc.

So with this new blog that i created, I plan to document my review of the product plus my dad's performance and hopefully recovery. And if he really does get well, i plan to sell the quantum pendant. And i hope you'll get one from me because i promise to give it cheaper than the others. So that many will be able to gain its benifits and not just the ones who really can afford it. 

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